Libii has developed many apps or games, but our top listed are Cinderella, PrincessSalon, IT Girls, Sweet Princess Hair Salon, NailSalon, MakeUpSuperstar, Sweet Princess Beauty Salon, FrozenParty, Sweet Princess Makeup Party, Princess Prom, Halloween Makeup, FashionSalon, PetBeautySalon, PetFoodTrain, CandyFix, DonutsMakerSalon, Candy's Camping Day, Wedding, Dentist, ChristmasSalon2, Baby Puppy, PrincessNewBaby, HairSalon, JungleDoctor, Incredible baby, SummerFashion, WinterFashion, Monster Hair, PetDoctor, StarGirlSalon, Prom Salon, PrincessTeaParty, Mermaid Doris, PrincessVacation, Princess Dream Tower, Pumpkin Maker Salon, RedCarpet, DollsSalon, FlowerFairy, Popstar Salon, MermaidSalon, PartySalon, WeddingSalon, DreamSchool, CupCakeSalon, LibiiHospital, Royal Puppy, HalloweenParty, CandyCarnival, PetSalon, and others that you could also find in APK Free Website