Hosted Games has developed many apps or games, but our top listed are Best of Us, No Proper Thief, Doomsday On Demand, Zombie Exodus, Samurai of Hyuga, Starship Adventures, Iron Destinies, Zombien, The Ascot, Great Tournament 2, The Great Tournament, Doomsday on Demand 2, Missing Wings, Gladiator, Academy of Disaster, Swamp Castle, 3Games, What Happened Last Night?, Imprisoned, Unnatural, Marine Raider, Slayer of Evil, Life of a Merc, Gambling with Eternity, Magikiras, Machinations, Paranoia, Paradigm City, NE By NW Oz, Love at Elevation, Butler Did It, The Grim and I, Critical Mass, Greatness, Tudor Intrigue, Scarlet Sails, and others that you could also find in APK Free Website