Barokah Studio has developed many apps or games, but our top listed are Murottal Muammar ZA 30 Juz, Ceramah KH Anwar Zahid, Lagu & Doa Anak Muslim, Murottal Merdu Abu Usamah, Muhammad Taha Al Junayd, Ceramah Zainuddin MZ, Kumpulan Surat Pendek Al-Quran, Kajian Ustadz Khalid Basalamah, Ceramah Jefri Al-Buchori, Kumpulan Ceramah Islam, Murottal Yusuf Mansur, Kisah 25 Nabi dan Rasul, Murottal Anak Ahmad Saud, Ceramah Yusuf Mansur, Ceramah Arifin Ilham, Kajian Syafiq Reza Basalamah, and others that you could also find in APK Free Website